
Cynthia Jan Health



Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM

A while back my friend Tina asked me to come in as a guest on her podcast. Last month we recorded our first two episodes and had a really great time doing it. This is the first of many podcasts to come. I hope you enjoy what we have to share. In this episode, we discuss 3 simple and easy ways to optimize your health; drinking quality water, spending time outside and quality sleep.

Here’s the link for you: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6bbZK5RNGO17l7SsTxMAKj?fbclid=IwAR217VUkW09rfwrhkF3-SeqZ4Zj3OWzDKNonWYpRLsDaDNkQbvMaaVt5Ows

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