Showing: 1 - 10 of 50 RESULTS

Top 3 Things I see in Practice

Chronic stress: Almost everyone I meet has high levels of stress. The problem is that we are dealing with chronic stress rather than acute stress. This means that people are constantly in a sympathetic state of “fight or flight” instead of a parasympathetic state of “rest and digest”. Your adrenal glands are continuously releasing cortisol, …


Naturopathy Defined

What is naturopathy? I thought it would be great to explain it so it’s well understood and appreciated. Naturopathic medicine is health care that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is to stimulate the healing power of the body and deal with the underlying cause of disease. …


Nutrient Malabsorption

Something that’s as important as food quality is food absorption. We often don’t give food absorption the importance it deserves. There’s that saying that goes, “You are what you eat”, however, more precisely, “You are what you eat, what you absorb, what you digest, and what you eliminate or don’t eliminate”! Therefore, a lot goes …

Dairy-Free Gluten-Free Health

Herbal Tea on the Run!

I love herbal tea! I recommend them to almost all my clients! The Heal Tea has made drinking herbal tea easy, especially for those on the run! Here I present the benefits of three herbs; dandelion, nettles and chamomile. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is loaded with amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and terpenoids. The root is …


Prevention is Everything!

Did you know that “prevention” is one of the six guiding principles Naturopathic Doctors and Integrative Health Professionals follow in their practices? Along with 1- Do No Harm (Primum non nocere), 2- The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae), 3- Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam), 4- Doctor as Teacher (Docere), 5- Treat …


What’s Really Making us Sick?

There’s been a whole lot of blame in the last 2+ years on a small particle that isn’t even visible to the eye. What if we missed the mark? What if we’re sick because of everything written on the list below. Have a look at my list of “what’s making us sick” and my list …


Holiday Survival Tips

Let’s face it, the Holiday season is a time filled with love and family gatherings but also of over indulgence! It is no wonder that emergency rooms see a lot more patients after the holidays. People will present with flu-like symptoms, but after indulging on sugar and alcohol, it’s completely normal for the body to …


Benefits of Massage Therapy

I just returned from a massage therapy session with the beautiful Caroline. We had a little chat beforehand, and then I was able to listen to soothing music while completely falling into relaxation mode for a full hour. And as a mom, business owner, employee, student and human living in today’s crazy world, I realized I really …


Inflammation: Acute vs. Chronic

Over the next few weeks I’ll cover inflammation and give you tips on how to reduce it! Inflammation is at the root cause of all disease so getting a handle on it is priority. Inflammation is also connected to your immune system so keeping your immune system in check is important as well. In terms …