
Cynthia Jan Health



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I love herbal tea! I recommend them to almost all my clients! The Heal Tea has made drinking herbal tea easy, especially for those on the run! Here I present the benefits of three herbs; dandelion, nettles and chamomile.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is loaded with amino acids, minerals, vitamins, polyphenols and terpenoids. The root is excellent for the liver while the leaves benefit the kidneys. Excellent for digestion as it increases bile secretion and circulation to better digest fats. It has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effects on the liver.

Nettles (Urtica dioica) are a nutritional tonic as they nourish the body especially when one is fatigued and low energy. Nettles are loaded with amino acids, mineral, oligo elements, vitamins and polyphenols. Infusions are best when choosing how to take nettles. Nettles are helpful for the urinary system as they help to regenerate the kidneys. The leaves and seeds are helpful for excretion of uric acid. Nettles are great for the skin, to fight seasonal allergies, for the immune system and both the feminine and masculine reproductive systems.

Chamomille (Matricaria chamomilla) are high in polysaccharides, polyphenols and terpenoids. It is known for its calming effects on the nervous system, but chamomile is a also a great plant to assist in digestion. It can be used for colics, inflammatory bowel diseases, stomach irritations and basically any inflammatory conditions of the complete digestive tube. For the nervous system, you can drink it as a tea or add it to your bath for its calming and soothing effect. For the female reproductive system, combined with raspberry leaf tea, it is helpful for period cramps.

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