
Cynthia Jan Health



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“FRIJOLES” Mexican Beans

My sister-in-law Angie’s cooking is to die for!!! A Mexican native, her cuisine is inspired by the tastiest of spices and years of traditions passed on from generation to generation! Walking into her home, I know her meal will not disappoint!! The smell of cumin, the savory taste of cilantro and the heat from the jalapeno make you want to come back for more! Lucky for me, we’re related so I can always ask for a special request! From “little potatoes in cilantro sauce” to “cochinita pibil” (pork) or “frijoles” (Mexican beans) perfect for the Fall weather, you will not be disappointed! Now the funny thing with Angie is that she doesn’t have recipes, every thing she makes is eye balled and remembered from days cooking in her Guadalajara kitchen with her family! I usually am very observant when I walk in and ask at least 100 questions about what she’s making. I make mental notes but eventually forget. It might be worth my while, and that of my taste buds, to document what she’s cooking! After supper, some sip on tequila, and others on wine. Our chats and laughs with family is all one needs to find their perfect moment of happiness, nestled in our little imaginary corner of Guadalajara, right here in Montreal. Thank you for that Angie!

Today I’ll share with you one of Angie’s famous recipes; “frijoles” or Mexican Beans. If you want this recipe to be successful, follow the recommendations below but season to taste, and you too will have to eyeball it! Be creative, add more spice, different spice and make Angie’s dish as is or make it your own! Enjoy a taste of Guadalajara right at home in your kitchen wherever that may be.

On a side note and as much as I love beans, I know they can be difficult to digest, especially if your gut is damaged so taking the necessary precautions is key, and taking the time to prepare your beans beforehand will help you digest much better.

Soak all beans before cooking (between 12-24 hours) as this will reduce levels of phytic acid and will help your digestion. (Phytic acid is an anti-nutrient and prevents absorption of nutrients your body needs to function at its best. Beans contain a complex sugar called an oligosaccharide which is very difficult to break down).

Soak beans overnight in twice the amount of water, and throw away water in the morning. If you do not have time to soak the beans ahead of time, boil the beans in twice the amount of water for 5 minutes, let them sit covered for 1 hour, then change the water and cook for required time. Always salt beans at the end, in the last 10 minutes, to avoid beans becoming tough. (You may read that some beans and lentils do not require soaking, but they contain lectins and starches which will make them more digestible if soaked).

Recipe: Serves a whole lot of frijoles loving peeps!


  • 1kg pinto beans (pre-soaked 24 hours)
  • 200grams chorizo, cut up in tiny pieces
  • 200grams bacon
  • 2 small onions, chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 bunch of cilantro, chopped
  • salt & pepper to taste


  • The day before you decide to prepare the frijoles, soak beans in water–see above for instructions. 30 minutes before the end of the 24hour soaking period, drain and rinse the beans. Then add filtered water to almost cover the beans and put aside. 
  • In a large pot, sauté onion with chorizo and bacon in avocado oil.
  • Once onion is clarified add garlic and sauté for about 1 minute.
  • Then add cilantro, beans and water into pot
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
  • Cook on low heat for about 30 to 40 minutes, until beans are tender


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