
Inflammation: Acute vs. Chronic

Over the next few weeks I’ll cover inflammation and give you tips on how to reduce it! Inflammation is at the root cause of all disease so getting a handle on it is priority. Inflammation is also connected to your immune system so keeping your immune system in check is important as well. In terms …


High Oxalate Foods

It can sound crazy if someone told you to not eat sweet potatoes, spinach, kiwis, nuts and seeds, right! You might think, what are they talking about? But what if you have leaky gut (intestinal permeability) where your gut lining is permeable allowing particles from your foods to get into your bloodstream? What if you …


What’s the Best Diet?

Honestly, instead of trying to do everything perfectly, just listen to your body and eat to feel good. If you’ve chosen a certain diet and your still having issues, maybe it’s not the right diet for you or you might need to tweak a few things here and there. What’s most important is that you …


Inflammation Buster: Probiotics

Inflammation buster tip #1:Probiotics! We have both good and bad bacteria in our guts, and the key is to make sure they are balanced. When that balance is disturbed, having more bad bacteria creates dysbiosis. This is what we need to avoid. It’s also important to have a wide variety of these good bacteria in …


What’s in your Food? Weed-Killer?

I’ve been wanting to write about glyphosate (carcinogenic toxic weed killer sprayed on our food) but haven’t had the time, but I did come across this article you’ll find attached below, which is a really great resource and explains glyphosate really well and gives you a list of most of the packaged foods containing glyphosate …


Why I Quit Coffee!

I don’t drink coffee!! I haven’t in two years! Quitting back then went well, except for my massive 3-day caffeine withdrawal headache. But since then it’s been all good. At the time, a cup of warm bone broth was my coffee replacement, it was warm and soothing. Or a cup of roasted dandelion tea. Since …